Monday, December 26, 2011

I Have A Date... With Destiny

I firmly believe that everyone has a "destiny" or a calling if you will. And I think that no matter what happens in your life you end up where you are supposed to be.You can go back and forth with yourself over where or what you do. But in the end, that shows it was supposed to happen. As you all probably know, I am a devout christian. I believe that your fate was decided long before you were even born. The fate of the universe is merely in the precious hands of God. And when your life comes to a conclusion, THAT is where you were meant to be.

I have made mistakes in my life, that's all apart of my story. We all have our stories (or callings), some are hard to go through while some of us have it easy with no real big problems. I was opened to this idea at summer camp this past year, and after hearing other stories from people who I thought were perfect, I quickly realized I wasn't so bad. But we all had one thing in common. We all came together, at a perfect time, at the perfect moment, where God had planned. We all shared our hearts, in a small circle to come together through Christ, and realize that we are all common through Him. We are all messed up, not one sin is greater than another in the eyes of God. We are all sinners.

It was here at this summer camp that I began to change inside and really think about what is important, and where my calling was. When you finally realize that everybody is messed up, you start thinking. Thinking about where your life is really going. For me, my life keeps leading me to the place where I am most at peace, church. I cannot think of anywhere I would be happier "working". Leading people to Christ, being a student leader in the church now, I can do that. I want to teach younger people about God. But, how am I going to get there?

Everybody has a dream and everybody wants to reach it. And our fate relies on whether or not we reach that dream. Whatever I do now, will effect my future, Big or Small. How I live my life now will have an impact on my life ahead as well. I (we) need to live life like I (we) want it, through Christ all things are possible. Go find your destiny, and figure out your story. I will listen if you need to tell someone your story. Ask and I'll tell you mine. Together we can change the world.

Making a difference through Christ, Derek Tilt (another sinner)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Abortion: There Are Better Choices

There are so many choices that we face that have huge impacts on the rest of our lives; College, jobs, career, wife/husband, family. But there is a choice that is present in our society that I really don't think should be an option, that is abortion. Abortion is the legal killing of a human fetus.

Once a sperm cell penetrates the egg, you have got yourself a growing human inside the womb. That is God's creation, a gift, given to us by and through him.

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world. The Center for Disease control says that one-third of girls get pregnant before the age of 20. The feelings of shock, fear, joy, excitement and in some cases, shame, set in with most of these pregnant teens. And some are faced with a choice: abort, or live up to thier mistakes. First off, to any girl who has had the choice and chose life, I applaud you for your courage and strength. To those who chose to abort, I'm not mad at you, I just hope you live with the guilt and pain of knowing you killed a child. No matter what you people say, a fetus, no matter what stage, is a growing child of Christ, and you are a FOOL if you think other wise.

If you abort, YOU did this ON PURPOSE. You said, "This CHILD does not deserve LIFE." And you took it, and you deserve to be locked up for life. Bottom line.

You can come up with a million and one situations to make this "right". One thing I have heard a billion times is "OH UH well... What if she was raped?!" I find that completely asinine. One solution: ADOPTION! There! Problem solved! I would much rather have a child grow up not knowing his or her father/mother, then for them to be DEAD. Lets just say they weren't raped, the parents were to stupid to wrap it up. Grow up! If you want to make the "adult" decision by having sex, you can surely be adult enough to take care of a child. Just sit down and buckle up, because life is not going to be easy.

Yes, it is her choice, but you have to go pretty low if you even contemplate the idea. And I will just say that I am praying for your soul. To the girls: PLEASE for the sake of your CHILD, think about what is right and pray that you do the right thing. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

People Like You

People like you are the reason for our messed up world. Its people like you; hypocrites, liers, judges, followers, conformers, over-confident pricks... FAKES. Its you hypocrites who go back on your word without even second guessing yourself. You liers, who pick people up while at the same time letting them down. It is you judges, who look upon everything with a critical eye, as though no one in this world can match up to you. Followers and conformers, for you I have the most pity. You have no clue as to what is going on in this world other than you need to try and "fit in". NEWSFLASH to the over-confident are fooling anybody, get over yourself. No one cares what you lift, know, or can do. You think you are loved by everybody, but in actuality you are their least favorite. (You know that one guy everybody talks about when they aren't there, yeah, that's you.)

I think we all fall under the category "fake", as we all put on this socially acceptable costume that only the world can be fooled by. All this, to me, is a result of low confidence. Just imagine, if you were at peace with yourself(confident). What would be the need for the lies, jealousy, judgement, and hate? We all lose sight of whats important, especially as teenagers, ourselves. If we have no confidence in ourselves, whats left? Our fake identities really. People need to understand, that you are you, and nobody can change that. If you have the urge to wear something weird, do it! Own it! If you want to listen to something other than the mainstream crap, do it! If you own it, and have the utmost confidence in it, who's to judge you? Stop playing this game of hide and seek with yourself, because you are going nowhere.

So, be yourself. If everybody does the same thing, we will be happier than anything you can imagine. A world where everyone is free, happy, and at PEACE with not only themselves, but everyone around them.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Lets Change the World

Have you ever looked around the world, and wished for world peace? The ironic thing is... You do, but you do nothing to change it. I find that 'ironic' is overused and misused too much in our time. This is ironic because by doing nothing to change the world, you are in fact (in the grand scheme of things) contributing to the social unrest that lurks among this planet.
I have gone through a great change this past couple of weeks. I, like Obama, wanted a change. As I contemplated in my head whether or not to go through with my plan to be myself, one thing kept coming up in my head. "Is this all really worth the time, money, stress, and loss of peace within myself?" The simple answer was NO. But the simple conclusion; was indeed, to stick with what I got. The more difficult conclusion,with which I went, was what many people would call crazy. I needed to get my priorities straight. What was more important? Family? God? Cheer? Work? Lets just say, cheer was not on the top of the list.

I am happy to admit that I am a new person, well, not new just "recovered". What I realized I had fallen subject to, was the world. I conformed. Probably what you are doing right now. Doing what society has told you or brainwashed you to do. But why?!

This world has lost the Passion for the Peace. What drives you as an individual. Looks, music, money, WAY of LIFE. All things society itself has imposed upon everyone. Passion for the Peace to me is just being yourself, really. Not caring what people think, for doing what you know is right for yourself and others around you. My question to you is this; how can you be diffrerent? What drives you to be the person you really are? I guarantee that when everybody can start getting over thier differences, the world will come to a peace.

When you change, people will know. They will see you with a confidence that you have never had before. You will be free. I am. I will never go back the way I was. I have NEVER in my life been so alive in my heart. So.. Make a difference, and change your WORLD.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Santa Knows Sign Language?!

During the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we often forget some people who we don't even acknowledge normally: the deaf. In a suburb of Denver in the Cherrycreek mall, Santa sits down to visit with children who can't hear his jolly laugh. This special elf not only uses his time, but he also knows sign language! And when asked how he knew, he said 'I have two elves who are deaf.'

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Business of Mind Your Own

For my first blog I guess I'll start off by complaining about how people can't keep to themselves. I, among many other people, am probably a bad person to be speaking on this topic-mainly because I often poke my head in other people's business. But anyways, I really think that a very large cause of the problems in the world are caused by people not minding their own business. This causes unnecessary drama, which turns to anger, which sometimes leads to violence, and on and on (depending on how crazy you are of course).
 Being on a cheer squad, I think its safe to say that I have seen SO MUCH drama that even Days of Our Lives would say 'too much'. But in our defense it is human nature for everyone to be a little "curious". But curiosity is what has driven us to what we are today, if Columbus wasn't curious we wouldn't be here, and if someone wouldn't have thought it would be funny to sell a Shakeweight on TV, we wouldn't laugh at it everytime. Its Okay to be curious, but like George.. we get ourselves into trouble.
So yes, we all get curious, but we can change. We can choose to NOT spread what he or she said. We already have enough problems to deal with so why make more? You mind your own business and I promise thing will get better. So with that I implore you, no, I CHALLENGE you, to keep to yourself.

"The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything except what is worth knowing." -Oscar Wilde