Monday, December 5, 2011

Lets Change the World

Have you ever looked around the world, and wished for world peace? The ironic thing is... You do, but you do nothing to change it. I find that 'ironic' is overused and misused too much in our time. This is ironic because by doing nothing to change the world, you are in fact (in the grand scheme of things) contributing to the social unrest that lurks among this planet.
I have gone through a great change this past couple of weeks. I, like Obama, wanted a change. As I contemplated in my head whether or not to go through with my plan to be myself, one thing kept coming up in my head. "Is this all really worth the time, money, stress, and loss of peace within myself?" The simple answer was NO. But the simple conclusion; was indeed, to stick with what I got. The more difficult conclusion,with which I went, was what many people would call crazy. I needed to get my priorities straight. What was more important? Family? God? Cheer? Work? Lets just say, cheer was not on the top of the list.

I am happy to admit that I am a new person, well, not new just "recovered". What I realized I had fallen subject to, was the world. I conformed. Probably what you are doing right now. Doing what society has told you or brainwashed you to do. But why?!

This world has lost the Passion for the Peace. What drives you as an individual. Looks, music, money, WAY of LIFE. All things society itself has imposed upon everyone. Passion for the Peace to me is just being yourself, really. Not caring what people think, for doing what you know is right for yourself and others around you. My question to you is this; how can you be diffrerent? What drives you to be the person you really are? I guarantee that when everybody can start getting over thier differences, the world will come to a peace.

When you change, people will know. They will see you with a confidence that you have never had before. You will be free. I am. I will never go back the way I was. I have NEVER in my life been so alive in my heart. So.. Make a difference, and change your WORLD.

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