Sunday, April 15, 2012

People Like You, Make Me Sick

You can't make anyone happy. Not one person in this society is happy with everyone around them. And pleasing people is just about as impossible.

You can bend over backwards for everybody you come into contact with, just to help or satisfy them, and people will still complain or need something else. There is this kid who is a full time student, pulling 2 flexible jobs, is involved with many extracurricular clubs and organizations, and pays for his own car and everything. This kid is pretty responsible, so much that a lot of people depend on him and ask him for help. This may not be a bad thing, but while this kid puts on a mask of happiness, he struggles. He is stressed, tired, but he can't stop what he does because if he does, a lot of people will begin to distrust him or disapprove. He feels like if he says no, people will be upset. So being the kind person he is, he just does what he is asked to do. Despite the fact that he runs around doing all he can without his head exploding, people (other kids) have the audacity to tell him he can't do it,he is under them for the fact that what they do "matters more".

I'm sick of saying yes. I'm sick of being the nice guy. I am so tired of all these lazy, helpless, arrogant, children that call themselves young adults. You don't have a job. You have a car your parents bought you. You get what you want without working a day in your life. Kids my age make me ANGRY. I am a happy loving person, but in all seriousness, I am FURIOUS when i get around these slobs. I get physically sick to my stomach.

I wanna stop my ranting for a minute, and applaud those of you who do work, and are involved. I am not mad at you, but I hope you feel the same way I do. But if you are reading this and you know I am talking about you, good. I'm sick of you. I really am. Don't claim you work hard, don't complain about your life and how its "SO HARD". Get real. We are in high school. You need to get mature and figure out what you're gunna do in your life.

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