Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Being A Christian Isn't All Rainbows and Butterflies

It really is funny how people, when they come to Christ, expect thier life to suddenly change into this happy land of perfection. There was once this testimony on KLove; "My life was terrible, but now that I have excepted Jesus into my heart, my life is PERFECT!" ...No. I do believe that by God's grace we are saved, and there is a transformation in your life when you come to Him and repent. But I don't believe that when we become a christian, that we are perfect, for many reasons:
  1. "We are by nature, SINFUL and UNCLEAN."
  2. Jesus' life on earth was HARD
  3. Christians, all throughout history have been rebuked and mocked
First off, everyone has bad days, right? Bad, not perfect, bad. There is no getting around the fact that we humans have bad days. Why? Sin. As plain and simple as it sounds many people forget that. We, as humans, are naturally inclined toward sin. The desires of this world are sin! Its inevitable. We can not get around that.

Joel Olsteen had this sermon I watched, and he said "God made you to be successful, to live a stress free life." He said that... I respect him as a brother in Christ, but No!! This can be argued with the life of one man: Jesus. He wasn't rich, he was poor and most of the time homeless. He was put on a cross, to die the most horrific death known to man, that is not "stress free". Life will not be easier, but what are these 70-90 years on earth compared to an eternity in heaven or hell?

Hardships as Christians are inevitable, but we have the best weapon that gives us the Peace that passes all understanding: God. In today's messed up society, Christians get weird looks, or just avoided completely. It is sad but its true. It is very rare to find that the most popular kid in school, or the richest person in the world, to be Christian. But why is that? It just isn't "cool". So sad.

But to jump away from the negativity; think about the universe for a minute. It never ends.. How incredible is that?! So crazy to just imagine something that never ends. Now picture eternity, like the universe it never ends, however unlike the universe, eternity will have an effect on you no matter what. Everybody will be spending eternity somewhere, heaven or hell, no question. But where will YOU go?

Life is better with Christ, and without we are destined to perish in hell. I am here to tell you that you will be saved from hell, not to give you the false impression that you will become perfect.

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