Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Life? Or GOD..

For those of you of you who are not Christians, I invite you to read along. For those of you who are, or claim to be, before you go on.. Take a moment to ask yourself (aside from God) what is the number one thing in your life?

Now how much does that have an effect on your relationship with Him?

Work, play, spouse, friends, money, and on and on and on, get in the way of Jesus Christ. As my favorite preacher Mark Driscol once said, "If you were to die, and be revived (more like a coma), what would be the first thing you would run too?" Some to your mothers, others your family, and tragically some would run back to work to make more money. This really shows where your heart is. Jesus didn't run to his mother, he didn't go to eat. After He was resurrected He went on preaching the Word of God. His heart was in God, for God, and He IS GOD!! Where should your heart lie..

My next question is this: Where are you?

Where are you in your relationship with the Father? Are you new to this Jesus thing? Or have you grown up in the faith? If you are new to this I invite you to grow, Jesus is the Peace that passes all understanding, and your life will be better with Him. It won't be easy, but it will be better. For you Christians, do you really have a relationship with God? If you go to church every Sunday,Good for you! Keep it up! But that is not enough.. You can go to church all you want and not gain a thing.

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
                                                     ~Romans 12:2

Having a relationship with Jesus isn't only knowing, its not all Bible Trivia and memorization. Those are both GREAT things. But its NOT enough. Relationship with Christ is living. LIVING!!!! You must live in, through, and for HIM! You must renew not only your mind, but your heart. It is so easy to live for this world, a life of sin, the simple road. Yeah you might have a fun, nice, easy, sinful life, but you will crumble, you will burn, and you will die. BUT there is Hope, and that is in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. Come to Him, change your heart, mind, and soul. You will never die, because in Heaven.. there is no death, sin, destruction, pain, or sorrow.

So, I encourage you friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, join me in living through Him. I can't lie and say that it is easy, but I can promise you that you will one day see Jesus face to face. You will have peace. You will have a hero, a Savior, a Father.

My Last Question: Is it you, or God?

In Christ alone, my hope is found,
                             Derek Tilt

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