Everyone has a reason to be happy. No matter what people are going through in life, there is always something or someone that provides people with the happiness they desire. As Christians, we have all the reasons in the world to be joyous!
"You will live in joy and peace.
The mountains and hills will burst into song,
and the trees of the field will clap their hands."
- Isaiah 55:12
As cliché as it sounds, God loves us, which in and of itself is a reason to rejoice forever. The one thing I have really learned about joy over this last year, is that you can find joy in everything God puts in your life. Whether it has been a hard day, your child is acting out, or your plans do not go according to the way you thought them out.
"All things work to the good of those who love God..."
- Romans 8:28
I have learned to find joy in everything, even if it is bad because I know every little thing is going to be alright (Bob Marley reference, I could not help it). Really, it is going to be okay. I do not know what you are going through, I do not know your life, but you will get through the trials and struggles. God is here for you, and because of that, we get to live in joy and peace. He gives us that peace and joy because nothing else can.
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