I find myself often frustrated with the fact that I all ways mess up. I feel like everywhere I turn I'm doing something wrong. Don't get me wrong I have had some great successes this year, getting accepted to the school of my dreams (with a great scholarship), I've kept my grades up despite my senioritis. I have behaved well, not getting into trouble. But still, why do I feel the constant weight of being not perfect, on my shoulders?
The answer is pretty simple and I feel stupid because I didn't realize it sooner. I need to let it go. Three short words.
LET IT GO. We find ourselves in these struggles, big and small, but we as human beings try to hold on to them and fix them ourselves. But the honest to God truth is
WE CANT. We can't fix everything. No tool, no doctor, no inspirational quote, can help us let go of something forever. So many people hold onto things for far to long. Bad relationships, unhealthy addictions, objects, lost loved ones, all plague our minds.
Why can't we stop?
We put emotions into everything whether or not you think you do. Every facebook post, instagram picture, person you see, and even the objects you touch, you feel a certain way. Some are outright emotions while others are more subliminal. But the fact is that you
FEEL. Often times we feel and we get connected to these things. Once again this is not a bad thing, but how we handle what we get connected to, is very important. The things we get most connected to are what cause the most trouble.
Here is where I will raise another question. Why do we need to let go? Why is it so important?
Well here are several reasons:
1. They cause an unnecessary weight on our shoulders.
2. They can turn into "worth"ship.
3. They are unhealthy.

God sent Jesus to carry the sins of the world on himself when he died on the cross. I fully believe that he did this and that it was for a reason. God calls us to give up our worries to Him. By doing this our focus turns to him and he deals with it the way he wants to. See, if we are to give everything up to God and
LET GO, we are doing what He says! When we connect with people or things we are giving them "worth" in our minds. While this is not bad, often times we give things
too much worth, then these worries or objects become first in our hearts in place of God. This all together causes unhealthy stress and just takes up space in our minds.
As the New Year begins, I will be taking a step back and letting go. I encourage you to do the same! Instead of coming up with these "resolutions" and putting more weight on your shoulders, let go of things and start fresh. Give it all to God.
Your brother in Christ,
Derek Tilt