Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grace is a Gift

Well, I was driving in my car when a song came on that brought up the question, "What would you say to God if He was right in front of you?" Here it is:

"Why me? Why us? WHY?! After EVERYTHING we've done.. You didn't have to, but you did. I will put aside everything they have done, but look at me! A screw up. I've sinned so much. Nothing I can do will make any of that up! Yet you did it anyway! Why? I want to do better, I want to have more strength, but the world is pulling me away from that. I fall short every time. And even if there was something I could do to make it all up, I wouldn't be able to accomplish that, without ruining it five minutes later. Forgive me, give me your grace, without it I would not be here, and I would certainly not be walking into Your Kingdom when I die. Save me.."

So why? Why did he do it? So many people think that they can earn their way into heaven by their good works. But its not possible, "Grace is not a paycheck, its a gift." No matter what you say, think, or do, NOTHING can pull you away from the love of God. And because he loves us, He invites us into His family, and gives us His GRACE. Grace is receiving something though you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you don't deserve it.

People who run themselves ragged trying to do good works (which is great), sometimes miss the fact that God's work is what gets us to heaven, not what we do. He died on the cross FOR US, to SAVE US from Hell. If we had to do works to get there then what was the point of Jesus' death?!

Lean on God, let Him carry your cross, accept the Grace He is GIVING you.

As a brother in Christ,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Class of 2013

I can't believe its here. Really. We are seniors. When they said it would go by fast I really didn't think it would go this fast. The many days put into school, hours of pain enduring homework, and the countless memorable moments shared with friends will come to a close in 9 months.

We have 9 months to make memories and build even greater friendships that will last a life time! As much as I want this year to be over with and begin a new stage of life, I can't hide the fact that I am a tad bit scared and excited! Some of us will move on to bigger and better things while some of us will take a slower road. This year lets make memories and come out strong.